For a long time, homeowners and turf care management specialists have been searching and wanting an effective, organic Roundup alternative. Now that more and more people are understanding just how damaging the use of chemicals on our lawns is, the need for more organic gardening products has risen. Long ago, ease of use and cost were the most important qualities that affected decisions regarding turf care products. This led to the market being flooded with cheap chemicals. Although effective in the short-term, the long-term effect is just being fully understood. These toxins are not only detrimental to the soil and environment, but also cause illnesses in people and pets. Thankfully, today, safety, effectiveness, and effect on the environment lead the choice. Vendors like Tech Terra Environmental are making Roundup alternative Prizefighter, along with numerous other organic products, readily available to everyone.
How to Get Started with Organic Gardening
Organic gardening refers to using only non-toxic, organic, products to grow and care for lawns and plants. It used to be difficult for those wishing to maintain their lawn without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides because there was nothing but chemicals handy. Now that most people understand how detrimental the continued use of these toxins can be, many more options are readily available. Suppliers and peddlers of organic products are a great source of information for those who are just starting out on their organic gardening journey. It can be difficult to navigate the maze of products available nowadays and know which ones are right for your environment. Professionals knowledgeable about these products are the best people to ask for advice. They’ll tell you which ones to use, how, and when.
Safety Qualities of Organic Products Like Roundup Alternative
Organic gardening products are popular for their safety to humans and safety to pets and other animals. For products like Roundup alternative Prizefighter™, there are many other beneficial qualities that make it popular to homeowners and turf care specialists alike.
For one, it is OMRI (this stands for Organic Materials Review Institute) listed. This compilation includes fertilizers, livestock care products, pest control products, and other agriculture-related items that adhere to organic standards. Anything that is labeled organic in the United States must be certified by a third-party, but is not as strict for non-food products. Don’t settle for products simply listed as organic, but search for those that are OMRI listed for true safety.
Secondly, Roundup alternative Prizefighter™ has no soil activity. This is extremely important for organic gardening practices. It is much more widely accepted that you can only grow healthy plants with healthy soil and chemicals like Roundup do detrimental damage to the soil. Prizefighter™, on the other hand, has no negative effects on the soil. It is hard to find products that effectively knockout weeds without doing damage to the soil, but Prizefighter is one that does it. In addition to not negatively effecting the soil, Prizefighter leaves no harmful residues. This is important for homeowners with kids and pets.
Other Beneficial Qualities of Roundup Alternative Prizefighter™
One benefit of Prizefighter that agriculture professionals appreciate is that it can be used in conjunction with other products. Many toxic chemicals become even more dangerous when combined with other items. While not necessary, the Roundup alternative Prizefighter, however, can safely be mixed with other herbicides and pesticides. One use of this ammonium nonanoate product is as a pesticide. It works for a variety of pests including, but not limited to Adelgids, Aphids, Earwigs, Grasshoppers, and Mites. More often its primary use is as a burndown for dozens of broadleaf and grass weeds for landscapes, greenhouses, turf, and other agriculture plots. The last benefit we’ll discuss is that Prizefighter™ starts to show results in as little as 15 minutes. If there is one thing landscapers love it’s a fast-acting product. Prizefighter certainly fits that bill.
When it comes to buying a Roundup alternative, we think Prizefighter™ is the number one choice.